Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Toronto, Canada- Indian Line Campground

June 25, 2013

As noted earlier, yesterday was a long hot drive, particularly the last hour or so in rush hour traffic. Positive on the bus was that I could pull the driver side curtain but the lack of the generator meant engine driven A/C only…this kind of heat requires both roof top A/C to keep the “Big Aluminum Box” comfortable.  Alex had it tougher with no shade and no good place to pull off to deal with it.
In the end the 200.8 mile day was just at the upper end of the “Movin On” limit, but the slightly chilly pool was a welcome relief and now we get to kick back and explore a city we’ve wanted to visit for a long time. Big plus at the end of the day was Ty getting his favorite food, octopus, at the “Mr. Greek” restaurant just down the road... and Grandy got some Retsina  :)
Grandy’s back at the pool, caught in a downpour with the kiddos so I’m adding to today’s update.  We had a slow morning today.  Went down to the campsite office to add a third night to our stay and move sites to one with a more convenient hook up.  The kids are loving the train line running next to the campsite, complete with double stacked container trains like on Ty’s favorite show, Extreme Trains.
We drove into Toronto today to get a feel for the city, see some sites, and run some errands.  We will have to do the CN Tower another day since the visibility wouldn’t have been good this morning.  Ty is hoping for a ride on the trolley system and we’re debating a trip to the Hockey Hall of Fame.  We enjoyed a trip round Saint Lawrence Market.  We found all sorts of yummy treats from octopus at the fish monger (Ty asked if we could bring it back to the RV for dinner,) to real English clotted cream, a stall selling every type of meat from kangaroo to camel, and several interesting looking cheese mongers.  In the end we left with only corn on the cob to cook for dinner, 2 bottles of Wayne Gretsky wines and some spanakopita for lunch, but I could have happily spent hours there.

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