Tuesday, June 25, 2013

North into Canada

June 24, 2013
Yesterday was transition day. We went from “got to get there” to “where should we head next” and it’s a world of difference.
Time to share the reason behind the blog name with some of the lyrics from Simon and Garfunkel's famous 59th Street Bridge Song:

Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin' groovy.

I've got no deeds to do,
No promises to keep.

I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me.
Life, I love you,
All is groovy.

So that’s what we’re doing. Slowing down.
Did a little sojourning and ended up visiting a Country Store near Ashord and then wandered around Ellicotville which is a bit upscale due to the Ski Area at the edge of town. Key points with the grandkids was “that is the greatest ever, we have to stay and do it all day” (Ty playing on a 4 car train at the General Store) and when we moved down the road it was “that is the greatest ever, we have to stay and do it all day” ( Sophie & Ty at the Garden House in Ellicotville.) In the end it was a good day of exploring the area followed by a rest in the bus watching the Scows race and then a terrific dinner with George and Connie in their rather historic 1920’s house
Today we are head north of the border.
I wrote this first bit last night not knowing that a fairly solid thunderstorm has me considering renaming the Big Aluminum Box the Arc. The lake came up about 2 ft over the night and this beautiful camp spot is now rather soggy.  Looks like the driest path is around the club but I’ll wait for George to consider our options. Good thing is we really don’t have any place we have to be and this is a very pretty place to be delayed.
Cuba Lake is an interesting bit of engineering, shaped like a boomerang, the southern end is an earthen dam and the western end is a spill way. The lake is feed by a stream and springs. Each winter they drop the water level down so all the docks can be left in place.
In the end despite a lot of standing water the ground was firm and we back straight out….. big sigh of relief.

Part 2 – Arrived in Toronto after a long day… highlights include
  • very limited success at Camping World just south of Buffalo
  • fairly easy if not particularly very friendly crossing at the Peace bridge
  • lost fuel gauge 50 miles out of Toronto.. paid premium for peace of mind, turns out we only put in 113 liters/30 gallons so we still had close to 50 gallons left. Credit card not working so paid cash, including a surcharge for using US dollars.  Exchange rate of .95 US to $1 Canadian?
  • Good but needs to be confirmed with a longer test. 279 miles used 30 gallons = 9.3/mpg, can only hope that continues.

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