Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cuba Lake YC- NY State Lightning Championship

June 22, 2013

Well we managed to make the only really hard target date. I had promised to help a good friend that “snow birds” in Miami with a major event at his local club and we made it. Cuba Lake YC is a Norman Rockwell picture perfect small “diyc” club in Western New York. George has made it his personal mission to reinvigorate sailing on this pretty lake and he has done it. From the Pirate Sailing School for the next generation to rebuilding the Lightning Fleet while maintain solid C-Scow and MC-Scow Fleets this place in firing on all cylinders.
And happily for us an old member had created the most perfect camper spot looking straight down the lake. As is normal these days I was up about 5 am but this is a positive when you are treated to a symphony of birds and the sounds of fish jumping.
But the fact is that the best entertainment of the morning was Sophie’s dance recital to Jimmy Buffet about 7:15 this morning. Other highlights included Ty first experience with Race Committee work (including driving the boat), and a post race tour of the lake in George’s Boston Whaler.
As to the racing… it was a perfect day with solid wind for all 5 races and a well-timed lunch break after race #1 to let the afternoon wind settle in. With all the kids swimming in 60 degree water and the “older” folks enjoying Connie’s Rum Punch the post race party was a solid success.

I’ll second that on the rum punch!  It was a picture perfect spot to be camping, watching the racing, and sitting by the water with a drink.  As for the kiddos- I couldn’t drag them out of the water.  They were so excited their first afternoon and evening by the lake that I had to tell them if they didn’t go to sleep they wouldn’t be allowed to go back in the lake.  They were both asleep 5 minutes later.

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